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Pest Control – How to Get Rid of Pests in Your Home

Often, pests thrive in moist environments, so clean up spills and keep garbage cans tightly closed. Keep clogged gutters, twigs and branches cleared from your home’s roofline.

Pest Control

Clutter gives rodents and insects places to hide and breed, so remove trash regularly and store food in sealed containers. Make sure all doors and windows are closed and have working screens. Visit to learn more.

Pests are organisms (microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi and viruses; invertebrates such as insects, mites, snails, slugs and earthworms; weeds; or vertebrates such as rabbits and deer) that interfere with human economic activities, quality of life or damage the environment. Some pests bite or sting; others destroy crops, erode soil, displace native plants and affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Insects are the most troublesome of all pests and cause significant damage to agriculture, residential lawns and gardens, food stores, and homes. Insects also can carry and spread disease. Cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects are vectors of diseases, such as cholera, leptospirosis, murine typhus, trichinosis and salmonellosis.

A well-planned and implemented Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan can reduce the need for chemical control methods. When pesticides are used, they should be applied according to the label and with caution, to avoid unnecessary exposure of people or pets.

The first step in pest control is identification of the pest. Walk around your property, looking for evidence of pests such as damaged or dying plants, droppings, egg masses and other signs. Use reference books from the library or garden center to learn more about the pests, such as their life cycles and biology. Then, determine whether the pest is a serious problem and identify preventive nonchemical control methods to eliminate or reduce the population.

Eliminating the pests’ food, water and shelter sources is a simple but effective way to control them. Store food in containers with tight lids, remove garbage regularly, and keep grass, brush, weeds and other debris from collecting in areas where pests can hide. Also, keep doors and windows closed, especially at night, and fix leaky pipes.


Rats (Rattus rattus) are a significant pest that damage structures, crops and stored food products. They are also a serious health hazard to humans through their role in the transmission of various diseases and parasites. In addition rats destroy gardens and urban landscapes and can cause fires in unsecured garbage bins.

Rat control requires a combination of methods including sanitation, trapping and baiting. The first step is to remove sources of food, water and shelter. This can be done by storing food in sealed containers, removing trash on a regular basis and using tightly covered garbage cans. Also, block access points to buildings by caulking holes, putting in quality sealant, and blocking openings through walls, floors and ceilings with wire mesh or quality insulation.

The second step is to identify signs of rodent infestation such as droppings, pilfered food and grease marks (dark oil stains from rats rubbing against surfaces) in and around buildings. These signs are usually more evident at night when rats and mice are active.

Gnaw marks and gnawed twigs or wood are often signs of rodent activity along with high-pitched squeaks heard at night. Rats are agile climbers and nest above ground in shrubs, ivy or other dense vegetation or in wall voids, false ceilings and cabinets. They are primarily nocturnal but may become more active during the day when population sizes increase.

Traps and baits are effective controls of rodent populations but must be placed in locations where they can be safely used and retrieved. Since rats are suspicious of new objects it is important to place traps and baits in areas where they will not be seen by people. Also, when using chemical sprays it is a good idea to leave the room while the application is taking effect.


Birds are an important part of our ecosystems and help keep insect populations in balance. However, pest birds can cause property damage, health hazards and act aggressively if their numbers are too high. The good news is that most bird problems can be solved with preventative measures.

The first step in any control program is sanitation. This can include closing dumpster lids, covering compost bins and keeping trash bins closed. It can also mean making food and water inaccessible to the birds, which can be as simple as eliminating stale bread crusts or as complex as addressing situations where people regularly feed birds.

Eliminating roosting sites is another critical step to bird control. For example, pigeons will nest in any open space, including rain gutters, attic vents and eaves. Likewise, sparrows and starlings will often nest in window sills and under roof shingles.

In addition to reducing the number of birds, removing any roosting and nesting sites will reduce the risk of disease. Certain birds, such as pigeons and sparrows, carry bacteria that can cause ornithosis and campylobacter, a type of food poisoning.

Most of the pest bird species that commonly invade buildings and other structures are protected by federal and state wildlife laws, so it’s critical to know what type of bird you are dealing with and how to legally deal with them. Proper identification is essential before taking any action, and pest control professionals should always check local humane and environmental laws to determine if they can trap or kill these birds without a permit. Even if they can, the best approach is to try reasonable non-lethal methods of control before resorting to suppression or killing.


A weed is any unwanted or damaging plant that interferes with the desired growth of crop plants. Weeds are undesirable because they negatively impact human activities, agricultural production, natural phenomena and the national economy. They also compete with crops for water, light and nutrients. They may be aesthetically unappetizing, such as the sticky tarweeds (Madia species) that cause horses to lodge in their mouths, or poisonous, like foxtails (Alopecurus species) and cockleburs (Xanthium species).

Weeds are often difficult to control because of their deep roots that hold soil tightly, and their rapid growth rate. Farmers have developed methods of weed management through which they use herbicides, cultivation and cultural practices to control them.

Chemical herbicides are used in agriculture to destroy large populations of weeds and control perennial weeds such as thistles, quackgrass, field bindweed and common lambsquarters. They are sprayed on the surface of the plants or in the soil, and may be absorbed through the leaves or the stems. Glyphosate, a non-selective systemic herbicide, is currently the most widely used.

Organic weed control is used by gardeners and farmers who wish to avoid the negative effects of chemical herbicides. It is important for the health of soil and plants to not spray on windy days or when it will rain soon afterward (the herbicide will wash off good plants as well). Mixing table salt with water and applying it directly to weeds kills them but does not damage healthy crop plants.

Cultivation and tillage are effective weed management methods, but can damage or break up soil structure and cause erosion on sloped land. In addition, these methods do not prevent weeds from resurfacing after the crop is harvested. Thermal weed control, using flame or steam, is another effective weed control method but is only useful on young broadleaf weeds.


Fungi are a diverse group of organisms with both beneficial and detrimental impacts. They play a major role in recycling dead organic matter, providing food (mushrooms), and acting as parasites on living organisms including humans (athlete’s foot is a fungal disease).

The Kingdom Fungi includes more than 144,000 species of yeasts, rusts, mildews, molds, smuts, and other fungi that grow free-living in the soil or in symbiotic relationships with plants. The fungi are also important decomposers, which break down complex chemicals into simpler substances that can be recycled for use by other organisms.

The fungi that form symbiotic relationships with plants are called mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi form a give-and-take relationship with the plant roots, helping them acquire water and nutrients from the soil. These fungi are an essential part of every healthy ecosystem.

Fungal diseases can be devastating to crops, leaving them vulnerable to insect pests and more fungal pathogens. Savvy culture practices and effective fungal treatment are vital to maintaining a productive garden.

Fungicides are used to kill fungi that have invaded the plant or crop. These are most commonly chemical compounds that kill the fungus by interfering with the fungal cell wall or other cellular processes. Some fungicides are also used as soil amendments to suppress disease and increase the health of the soil.

Alternatives to fungicides include biological control of phytopathogenic fungi, microbial fungicides, botanical fungicides, agronanotechnology, fungal cell deactivation and evacuation using ghost techniques, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, homeopathy and herbal teas, mycoviruses, and nematodes. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable, ecosystem-based approach that emphasizes prevention of pests and damage through careful monitoring, cultural practices, and the use of resistant varieties. Pest control materials are only applied after monitoring indicates they are needed according to established guidelines and with a focus on removing only the target organism.

The Potty Chair – A Must-Have For Potty Training Success

A child’s chair used for toilet training. It is usually a miniature version of a toilet and may be placed in the bathroom or, for convenience, just about anywhere.

Potty Chair

It is important that children be ready to take over their own toileting. This is a big step in independence and they will need lots of positive reinforcement. Read on Next Day Potty for more information.

Children generally start showing signs of potty readiness around 18 months, although some are ready at a much younger age. If your child has a strong desire to wear underwear and is able to follow multi-step directions, he may be ready to ditch the diapers. Children must be able to communicate their bladder and bowel needs, either through words or with unique facial expressions. They should also be able to sit for several minutes at a time on the toilet, and have well-established gross motor skills, like sitting and standing.

The most obvious sign that your child is ready is a change in their diaper, which can be a signal to you or they may simply ask for a fresh one. You can help them learn to recognize the feeling of needing to go by having them put on their underwear or a pull-up and then sitting on the potty chair for a few minutes a couple of times a day.

Some children will need a bit more encouragement to get on the potty, so you can try reading them a book or playing a game of 20 Questions. If you’re having trouble getting your child to sit on the potty, consider trying to make it a routine by seating them on the potty after each meal and every drink.

While it can be frustrating when your child isn’t getting on the potty quickly, if you keep up with the training and remain consistent, you will eventually see results. However, if you find that your child has been resistant to toilet training for more than a few days and is not showing any measurable improvement, it may be time to give up on the process for now.

If there are other significant life changes going on, such as a move, the arrival of a baby sibling or a big birthday, now might be a good time to take a break from the potty training and revisit it at a later date. Children need to be emotionally and physically ready to meet the challenges of learning new things, and adding potty training into a major family transition can be too much for some children.


A potty training reward system can be a great way to get your child excited about using the potty. It can also help you motivate them to keep going when they might otherwise give up or have an accident. Rewards can be edible (like a candy treat) or non-edible (like a playtime activity). They can also be long term or short term.

For example, some parents have found it useful to create a potty reward chart and let their children put a sticker on the chart each time they use the potty successfully. Others prefer to make a tower out of Legos and allow their child to add a block with each successful trip to the potty, with the goal of reaching the top of the tower at some point in the future. These types of visual rewards can be a good motivational tool for many children.

Rewards can be anything from a small toy, a special snack or a trip to the park to having their favorite TV show after dinner. It’s important that the reward is something that your child wants and will be excited about. It should be offered immediately after the potty success for the best effect. And then slowly, over time, you can start to increase the requirement for receiving the reward – from every day to each successful potty week and then to each successful potty month.

However, it’s important to remember that a reward is not the same as a bribe. “Rewards are something that you do because your child does a good job, whereas a bribe is something that you do to force your child to do what you want them to do,” says Francyne Zeltser, PsyD Opens in new window, a child psychologist and clinical director of Manhattan Psychology Group.

Having said that, if your child is ready to start potty training and you find a reward system that works for them, go for it! It may not work for all kids, but it’s always worth a try. Just be sure to remove the reward if it’s no longer being used as the motivating factor.


While some potty training parents have made the news for their extreme methods — a Utah mom famously propped her naked twin daughters on tiny plastic potties at a crowded restaurant, for instance — most experts agree that punishing a child for having an accident isn’t helpful and often backfires. Punishment can make kids feel stressed and fearful of having to use the toilet, which can actually slow or even stop their potty training progress.

Punishment can also make kids think that they are bad, which can lead them to hide their accidents from you in the future. Rather than punishing your child for having an accident, encourage them to pay attention to when they need to go and try not to have any more accidents.

Typically, kids have accidents because they don’t realize that they need to go or they are too busy to run to the potty in time. Spanking a kid when they have an accident won’t help them learn to better connect the feeling of needing to use the toilet with pulling down their pants and getting on it.

If you’re worried about your kid having an accident, try putting a potty watch on their wrist or having them wear a pull-up. Then remind them to go when the watch goes off. This will give them an independent reminder (although it won’t prevent all accidents). You can also ask your child to help clean up after an accident and make sure they take a bathroom break before going out, before meals, before bedtime and after they drink something.

Ultimately, rewarding your child for successfully using the potty and avoiding accidents is a much more effective approach than punishment. If your child is having a lot of accidents, talk to your pediatrician about whether they are still ready to start potty training or if there’s another issue at play. Also, be patient and remind yourself that potty training is hard for everyone. It’s not uncommon for kids to have a few setbacks along the way, but they will eventually get it!

Wired for Success: The Path to Becoming an Electrician

Boise Electrician is responsible for wiring and servicing electrical equipment, whether it is new work or maintenance. They liaise with construction professionals to ensure infrastructure compatibility and communicate with safety inspectors to adhere to regulations.


This career offers plenty of opportunities for specialization and progression, from residential to commercial, industrial and alternative energy fields. It also avoids the cost of a college degree, which can be prohibitively expensive for many people.

A successful career as an electrician requires a strong understanding of electrical theory, manual dexterity, and problem-solving skills. The job also requires a commitment to continuing education in order to keep up with changing electrical codes and technology.

There are a number of different options for becoming an electrician, including taking a college course or apprenticeship program. Vocational schools and community colleges often offer certificate or associate degree programs in electrical technology, while apprenticeships allow you to learn on the job under a licensed electrician and provide a variety of hands-on experience.

Once you have completed your educational requirements, you will need to complete a licensing exam. This is usually administered by a state licensing board or department and tests your knowledge of electrical theory, codes, and regulations. After passing the exam, you will be ready to begin work as a certified electrician.

Electricians are responsible for a variety of duties, including installing lighting and power outlets, conduits, cable trays, ladder racks, circuit breakers, and emergency lighting. They are also responsible for testing, repairing, and maintaining electrical equipment. In addition, electricians must be knowledgeable about safety regulations and standards.

The demand for electricians is expected to grow in the future due to a number of factors. For example, new homes and commercial buildings require more wiring and electrical components to support advanced technologies like smart home systems and renewable energy sources. Additionally, older homes and buildings need to be retrofitted with new technology and alternative energy sources.

The electrical industry offers many opportunities for specialization, which can increase your earning potential and provide you with a more specialized skill set. For instance, you can choose to specialize in residential, commercial, or industrial electrical work. Alternatively, you can also choose to focus on a specific area of the field, such as fire alarms or solar power. In either case, specialisation will allow you to become an expert in your chosen field and open up new career paths for you to pursue.


A career as an electrician is projected to grow due to several factors, including advancements in technology and an emphasis on renewable energy systems that require electrical infrastructure. In addition, older homes and businesses often require upgrades to support new equipment. This will increase demand for electricians who can install the necessary wiring and connections.

Trade schools offer a range of programs for aspiring electricians. They typically include classroom instruction, hands-on experience, and an apprenticeship with a master or journeyman electrician. Some programs also prepare students to pass electrician licensing tests. These tests are generally required by most states and localities.

Electricians are trained in the use of a variety of tools, and they learn how to read blueprints and other technical documents. They also need good hand-eye coordination and physical endurance. Additionally, they must be able to work independently and logically solve problems. They must also be able to communicate effectively and build trust with customers.

Many electricians choose to specialize in one or more areas of the field. Some may focus on residential work, while others may specialize in commercial or industrial electrical work. These specializations can help them improve their career opportunities and earn higher wages.

In addition to their general training, electricians are taught about the National Electrical Code (NEC). The NEC provides minimum requirements for the installation of electrical devices and wiring methods. In addition, electricians are taught how to select the correct wire or cable for a job and how to pull these conductors through conduit runs using fish tapes and power conduit fishing systems.

Other training includes learning about the different types of loads that can be connected to a circuit. A load is anything that uses electrical current, such as a light or motor. A load connected in parallel can take more current than a load in a series circuit, and overloading can lead to overheating or even fire.

To become a licensed electrician, you must complete an apprenticeship and attend a vocational school that offers a trade certificate program. A vocational school can also offer an associate degree in electrical technology, which usually takes two years to complete. Some students choose to attend a four-year bachelor’s degree program, which can provide them with more in-depth education and training.


Electricians who work in the commercial sector earn a higher salary than their counterparts who work in the residential sector. However, their earnings vary significantly based on their level of experience, location, and specialization. For example, apprentices tend to earn less than experienced journeyperson electricians. However, after gaining experience and becoming certified, their salary potential increases. In addition to the salary, electricians also enjoy a number of additional benefits. These include health insurance, paid vacations and holidays, and retirement plans. Some electricians can even choose to work independently and start their own company, which can boost their earning potential significantly.

Aside from their skills, experience, and training, electricians can also increase their salary through professional development. Pursuing certifications, such as renewable energy certifications or industrial automation, is an effective way to showcase their expertise and bolster their earning potential. Moreover, they can also earn extra money by working on projects during rush periods, such as after-hours emergencies or large-scale construction projects.

The location of work also plays an important role in the salary for an Electrician. Electricians who live in urban areas typically command higher salaries due to their high demand for skilled workers. However, in rural areas, the demand for electrical workers may be lower. This could affect their salary, but the cost of living is usually lower in these areas, which can offset the lower wages.

While some electrical work is performed in an office setting, much of it takes place on the job site. As such, electricians must be willing to travel to different locations for their work. This can be especially challenging when the weather is bad, such as rain, snow, and strong winds.

While the job of an electrician can be a bit stressful at times, it is rewarding in many ways. Besides the paycheck, it is an excellent choice for people who need hands-on work and want to use their problem-solving skills in real life. For many people, this career is more than just a means to earn a living, it is a sense of pride and ownership over one’s skills.

Work Environment

Electricians work in a variety of environments, including inside buildings under construction or renovation and outdoors on power and telecommunications systems. Their work may involve working with live electrical wires, which can be hazardous if not properly executed. They also frequently travel to multiple projects, which can be time-consuming and stressful. Achieving work-life balance for electricians can be challenging, especially when they are on call for urgent jobs or need to meet strict construction deadlines.

To manage these challenges, Electricians should prioritize their work based on safety and efficiency. This can help them complete tasks more quickly and reduce the risk of injuries due to fatigue or rushed work. They should also use scheduling software to manage their work commitments and ensure they have adequate downtime.

Keeping up with the latest industry standards can help Electricians improve their work efficiency and save time. They should also invest in professional development to learn new skills and tools to help them stay competitive in the job market. Additionally, they should regularly inspect their equipment for safety issues and repair any damaged items as soon as possible to minimize the risk of injury or fire.

Achieving a healthy work-life balance for an Electrician is essential, particularly at each career stage. For entry-level Electricians, this means developing efficient work habits and establishing clear boundaries between their personal life and work. For mid-level Electricians, it’s about managing increasing responsibilities while continuing to prioritize their physical health and family life. For senior-level Electricians, it’s about maintaining a strong network of colleagues and establishing leadership roles within their field.

Electricians must adhere to strict workplace safety guidelines when working with electricity. They should wear insulated gloves and protective eyewear, and always be aware of the presence of dangerous voltages. They should avoid contacting any electrical components that are operating on more than 50V and avoid running cords through high-traffic areas or across doorways, as they can cause tripping hazards. They should also be careful not to overload outlets by plugging too many appliances into a single socket, as this can cause circuits to overheat and create fire hazards.

Natalie Wood – The Mystery Revealed

Actress Natalie Wood, star of Rebel Without a Cause and West Side Story, died on November 30, 1981. Her death was ruled an accident, but rumors of foul play swirled. In 2011, LA County officials reopened the investigation, and new witnesses came forward. Unexplained bruises on her arms and knee led to the change in her official cause of death from accidental drowning to undetermined factors.

Natalie Wood

The mystery of Natalie Wood’s death has ebbed and flowed over the years, but the case is now at a new phase. A re-examination of the evidence is now taking place, and investigators have identified her husband, Robert Wagner, as a person of interest. Keep reading the article below to learn more about Natalie Wood Death.

The case against Wagner has been re-opened in light of a recent interview by Dennis Davern, the boat captain who helped recover Wood’s body. Davern told NBC’s Today show that he believes Wood was killed by Wagner. He says he feels he can give investigators enough information to treat her death as a homicide, and that Wagner is responsible for it.

On Thanksgiving weekend in 1981, Wood was on a yacht with her husband and Brainstorm co-star Christopher Walken. They were drinking, and the two actors had been bickering that night. Some people speculate that Wood stepped off the yacht to catch a dinghy that had begun to slip away, and she drowned. But other theories abound, and the investigation has never really settled the matter.

A new chapter in the Natalie Wood death story began on Friday, when sheriff’s detectives visited family members to tell them that bruises found on the actress’s body did not match up with the cause of her death. The family members were asked to sign a statement saying they would not talk publicly about the case, and were asked to continue to cooperate with investigators.

At the time, Los Angeles County Coroner Thomas Noguchi was a well-known “coroner to the stars.” He performed autopsies on John Belushi, Albert Dekker, William Holden, David Janssen, and Janis Joplin, among others. He also did the autopsy on Wood. Noguchi had a reputation for being tough on celebrities and their entourages.

A few months after Wood’s death, Noguchi changed his original verdict of accidental drowning to a verdict of undetermined cause. The change was based on the fact that the bruises on Wood’s body were not consistent with an accident, and that she could have been assaulted before she died. He also said that the dinghy that she was found in had been sitting on the water for hours, and that it might not have been tethered to her yacht.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

When Natalie Wood, the star of movies like West Side Story and Rebel Without a Cause, died at age 43 in 1981, it was a mystery. She had been vacationing with husband Robert Wagner and Brainstorm co-star Christopher Walken on their yacht off the coast of Catalina Island. The original coroner ruled her death an accident, but the case was reopened in 2011 and the cause of her death changed to undetermined factors. In February 2018, investigators named Wagner a person of interest in her death.

In her book, Finstad reveals that Wood’s mother, Maria, abused her. She grew up in a world of sex, alcoholism and neglect. Her shattered childhood caused her to carry deep wounds that never healed, even after she found fame and success as an actress. The adulation of the public only served to highlight her insecurities and fears. In her private life, she was a mess.

On Thanksgiving, the day before her death, Wood and Wagner invited several friends to join them for a boat trip off the coast of California’s Catalina Island. Most of them declined, citing less-than-ideal sailing weather. However, the couple’s yacht captain, Dennis Davern, and her Brainstorm costar Christopher Walken did agree to join them.

The two were accompanied by their sons, actor Sean Astin and musician Josh Astin. They were spending the weekend on their yacht, Splendour. The boat was located at the Blue Cavern Point east of Two Harbors. Davern told the Los Angeles Times in 2012 that he checked the kelp line around the area before he spotted her body in the water. She was wearing a flannel nightgown and a red down jacket.

After her death, there were many theories about how she ended up in the ocean. The official ruling by the coroner was that she slipped and fell into the water. He also theorized that her level of intoxication played a role in her death. But there are some compelling new details that cast doubt on the official account of her death. For example, unexplained bruising on her body suggest she was assaulted before she went into the water.

Christopher Walken

After shooting wrapped on Brainstorm, Wood and her co-star Christopher Walken invited friends to join them for a Thanksgiving weekend boat trip to Catalina Island. Most people declined, citing the stormy weather conditions. However, Dennis Davern, the captain of the couple’s yacht, Splendour, agreed to go. He told a book author that Wood and Walken spent hours drinking at Doug’s Harbor Reef restaurant, laughing and seemingly flirting with each other. The group stayed until 10 p.m., when they left in an utterly intoxicated state. The manager of the restaurant even called Harbor Patrol to make sure they reached their yacht safely.

Once on board, the three men began drinking heavily. According to a source, they got floor licking drunk. They also argued with each other over money, which is why the boat’s crew was so irritated when they saw them leave a half-hour before everyone else. The captain said he believed the argument had to do with Wagner’s jealousy of Walken, who was a successful actor in his own right.

The following day, the two men got back on the boat to watch a football game, but by then they were so drunk that they passed out. When they woke up, they found that Natalie was missing. They searched for her all night and drew a blank. They didn’t think she’d drowned, but they weren’t sure what to do.

When the police arrived to investigate, they found the dinghy in the water about a mile away from the yacht. They concluded that Wood must have jumped off the boat in an attempt to save herself. She was wearing a bathing suit and weighed about 90 pounds, so she likely fell into the water easily.

Walken has not spoken publicly about the death of his friend. However, he has said in the past that the argument between him and Wagner on the yacht was “ugly.” He has also been critical of the Los Angeles County coroner’s investigation. He believes that the authorities are trying to cover up what happened to his friend.

Robert Wagner

In the 1950s, Natalie Wood was a major movie star. The three-time Oscar nominee, who starred in West Side Story and Rebel Without a Cause, had taken Hollywood by storm with her larger-than-life presence on screen. Her glamorous offscreen life matched her fame, as she worked with American legends like John Ford and Elia Kazan and tied the knot with actor Robert Wagner. But all that came crashing down during one fateful weekend in Southern California.

After the three-day disappearance of the blonde beauty, investigators were faced with a gruesome mystery. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department ruled her death accidental, though forensic experts say she may have been killed first. But the case has remained open over the decades, with rumors of murder and conspiracy swirling around.

The reopening of the case in 2011 was prompted by a bombshell report that claimed that Natalie Wood had been murdered by her husband, and that Wagner knew more than he let on. The author takes a look at the evidence and finds numerous red flags. For example, he examines the evidence from the infamous interview with Splendour captain Dennis Davern and finds that his claims of a violent argument between Wagner and Walken on the back deck of the boat are contradictory.

He also cites the findings of forensic expert Dr. Christina Stanley, who explains why he believes the bruises found on Wood’s body were likely inflicted before her death. The book also explores a series of contradictions in the statements made by the police and other witnesses. The authors also explore attempts by Wagner and Walken to distance themselves from the blame with magazine interviews and books.

The book reveals how the couple’s fairy tale Hollywood marriage began to unravel even before her death. The book uncovers gossip and fan-magazine stories that alleged the pair’s marriage was a toxic mess of rage, jealousy, and infidelity. Eventually, this sparked a violent fight between the two. By the time it ended, the couple was estranged and Wagner was convinced that Natalie had cheated on him with his Brainstorm co-star Warren Beatty.

How to Hire a Roofing Contractor

Montana Roofing Contractor performs many roof installation, maintenance, and repair services. They often collaborate with other construction professionals, such as carpenters and electricians.

If you’re comparing estimates, ensure each contractor provides a detailed proposal. Look for the name of their insurance company and contact information. Also, verify that they have a permanent place of business and not just a post office box.

Roofing contractors install, repair, alter, and extend roofs. They work at a fixed price, fee, percentage, or other compensation. The job requires significant skill and experience in the construction trade. The contractor must also have the ability to understand building codes and regulations. He must be able to communicate with homeowners to understand their needs and expectations.

When choosing a roofing contractor, look for one with a strong reputation and years of experience. You should also make sure the company is licensed and insured. Licensing and insurance protect you from liability in the event of an accident during the project.

Experienced roofing contractors know how to manage all aspects of a roofing project, from the estimating process through installation and completion. They can anticipate challenges, address them quickly, and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. In addition, they have the skills to work with subcontractors and coordinate with other home improvement specialists, such as plumbers or HVAC contractors.

The right roofing contractor will be able to provide warranties for both labor and materials, as well as guarantee their craftsmanship. These warranties will help you feel confident that the contractor’s work is of high quality. Additionally, an experienced roofing contractor will be able to answer any questions you might have about the project.

A skilled roofing contractor will be able to explain why he chooses a particular type of shingle or brand of roofing materials. This is a sign that he has spent a lot of time sourcing high-quality products and is confident in his abilities.

Roofing contractors need to be able to handle a variety of tools and equipment, including power and hand tools. They often spend long periods of time in an awkward position, such as on ladders or scaffolding, and they must be able to stand for extended periods of time. This type of work can be dangerous, so it’s important to hire a roofing contractor with the proper training and safety knowledge.

A good roofing contractor will be able to work with a variety of different materials and styles, and they will be able to give you an estimate for the entire job. They will also be able to recommend other home improvement services, such as window replacement or siding installation. They will be able to provide you with quality roofing and help you save money in the long run.


Depending on the state where you live, you may need to get a license to work as a roofing contractor. Some states have strict requirements, while others leave licensing up to individual municipalities. Regardless of the requirements in your area, it’s important to have proper insurance coverage to protect yourself and your clients from any issues that might arise during the project.

In general, roofers should have worker’s compensation and liability insurance for their employees as well as property damage and bodily injury. You can find information on the required insurance for your region online or contact your local department of labor. Some contractors also need special licensing for working on asbestos or other types of hazardous materials.

Some states require a specialty contractor’s license specifically for roofing contractors. These typically have additional requirements, including experience and training. In addition, they have to pass a background check and show proof of financial solvency. This helps to prevent fraudulent roofing contractors from taking advantage of unsuspecting homeowners.

Other states, such as New York, require a home improvement contractor’s license for roofing and other exterior improvements. This includes waterproofing, repairing and installing gutters, downspouts and siding. It does not include demolition or new construction. In order to qualify for a residential roofing contractor’s license in New York, you must have three years of professional experience and meet the insurance requirements.

Most states have laws requiring contractors to obtain a permit before starting any construction. The state will often require proof of insurance and a bond before issuing a permit. The contractor must also provide a list of subcontractors who are licensed in the trade.

The International Code Council (ICC) is a non-profit organization that publishes the International Building Code and other widely used construction codes. They also have a variety of resources for contractors, including tips on how to manage the risk of construction projects.

Getting the right roofing contractor for your project can save you time and money. By focusing on the best candidates, you can ensure that the job gets done correctly and efficiently. You can also avoid costly penalties by following the laws in your area. It’s vital to stay up-to-date on regulations and subscribe to newsletters that offer updates on changes in the industry.


A roofing contractor must have a variety of insurance policies to ensure the company is protected from various risks. Some of the most essential coverages include general liability, property and business interruption. Larger construction businesses may need to buy these policies separately, but smaller roofing contractors can often get a better deal by buying a business owners policy (BOP).

General liability, also known as commercial general insurance, protects the roofing company in case of third-party bodily injury or property damage. This coverage is especially important if a client trips and falls over equipment at the job site or if a roofer’s tools fall off the roof and cause damage to nearby buildings or vehicles. It can also help cover legal costs if a customer files a claim against the company for negligence, false advertising or other issues related to services offered.

Workers’ compensation, or worker’s comp, is an insurance policy that covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees who are injured on the job. It is required by law in most states and can be bought through an employer-sponsored group plan or individually. Roofing companies should also purchase business auto insurance, which will cover vehicle accidents and theft of work-related equipment. Tool and equipment insurance, or a tool floater, is another policy that covers expensive equipment that may be stolen from your vehicle, worksite or storage area.

A builder’s risk policy will protect a construction site or other building while it is under renovation. Roofing professionals should also consider getting inland marine insurance, which covers the cost of equipment and materials that are transported between projects. This type of insurance is not always available through traditional insurance carriers and must be obtained through specialized broker firms.

Lastly, roofing companies should have error and omissions insurance. This insurance helps cover expenses if a customer claims that the roofing contractor failed to perform a service or gave them bad advice. It can also help pay for legal fees and other expenses if the roofing company is sued. Typically, the cost of this type of policy is based on the size of the payroll, number of employees and other pricing factors.


When hiring a roofing contractor, the quality of their work and reputation are key considerations. One way to determine this is by asking for a list of references and calling them. Open-ended questions that encourage the reference to provide more than a simple “yes” or “no” will help you learn more about their experiences working with the roofing contractor.

Did They Complete the Project On Time?

It’s essential that the roofing contractor you choose can meet your timeline and budget expectations. Asking your references about whether the roofing contractor finished the project on time and how they handled any unexpected delays or issues can give you an idea of their ability to manage projects effectively.

Did the Roofer Clean Up After Completing the Project?

A professional roofing contractor should always leave the work site clean after completing a project. This not only shows respect for the homeowner’s property but also reflects their commitment to providing high-quality services.

Would You Rehire the Roofer for Future Projects?

Asking the roofing contractor’s references if they would hire them again for future projects can tell you a lot about their satisfaction with the quality of the contractor’s work. If the references wouldn’t rehire the roofer, find out why. This can help you determine if their reasons are applicable to your own situation and could be an indication that the roofer is not a good fit for your roofing needs.

Did the Roofer Offer a Warranty for Their Work?

A quality roofing contractor will offer a workmanship warranty to ensure their work is up to standards. This is especially important for roofing projects that require significant investments of both time and money. Asking the roofing contractor’s references about their experience with the workmanship warranty can give you a better understanding of the quality of their work.

As you call the roofing contractors’ references, keep in mind that each project is different and that there will be differences between the experiences of the reference and your own. However, the general themes you’ll see in the responses to these questions will give you a good idea of what kind of experience you can expect when working with them.

The Essential Guide To Concrete Leveling Techniques And Solutions

Concrete is one of the most durable building materials, but it’s not invincible. If a concrete slab becomes sunken or uneven, it can be unsafe and detract from the aesthetics of a property.

Fortunately, experts have developed several concrete leveling techniques to address the issue. Concrete Leveling Dallas methods include mudjacking, polyurethane foam injection, and self-leveling.

concrete leveling

Site Assessment

When concrete settles unevenly, it creates trip hazards and decreases the overall aesthetic of a home or business. Concrete leveling, a sophisticated repair technique that elevates sunken concrete to its original position, addresses these safety concerns and enhances the functionality and visual appeal of the space. A wide range of leveling techniques are available, but each process should be selected based on its ability to meet the particular needs and desired outcomes of the project.

A thorough site assessment is critical to any leveling project. A professional contractor will examine the area to look for signs of damage and identify any underlying issues that could impact the outcome of the leveling process. This will help the contractor develop a targeted plan of action that can address the specific needs and requirements of the property.

In addition, a thorough site assessment can also reveal important information about the environment that will be affected by the leveling process. Factors like climate, temperature fluctuations, moisture levels, and freeze-thaw cycles can affect the effectiveness of a leveling solution. In some cases, these factors may require specialized tools and techniques that can address challenges like soil compaction and moisture changes.

When choosing a contractor for your concrete leveling project, it is essential to choose a team with extensive experience in the field. A reputable company should be able to provide testimonials from past clients and detailed information about their work methodology. They should also have a strong understanding of different leveling techniques and materials, as well as be able to answer any questions you might have about the process. A quality contractor will be committed to ensuring the success of your leveling project and will offer ongoing support after the job is complete. This will help you prevent further damage to the surface and extend the lifespan of your leveled concrete.


Concrete forms the backbone of various outdoor structures like sidewalks, driveways, patios, and pool decks. However, it isn’t immune to damage over the years, resulting in uneven and sunken concrete surfaces that can pose safety hazards. To restore their original position and enhance functionality, these concrete areas require proper repair techniques. Concrete leveling is one such method that elevates and straightens the concrete to its initial position, mitigating risks caused by irregularity while boosting aesthetic appeal. It entails four primary methods including polyurethane foam injection, stone slurry grout leveling, mudjacking, and application of self-leveling concrete.

Mudjacking involves pumping a slurry mixture of sand, soil, and water underneath the concrete slab to lift it. It’s often used for fixing cracked sidewalks, uneven patios, sunken porches, and sagging parking lots. However, it’s not suitable for lifting structurally damaged or crumbled concrete surfaces, as well as addressing foundation issues.

If you’re considering mudjacking, it’s best to hire a professional contractor who has extensive experience in this field. Attempting the process on your own can lead to property damage as well as significant costs for repairing the damages. Inexperienced contractors may use the wrong type of slurry mixture or not inject the concrete enough to achieve the desired results.

In addition to avoiding potential complications, hiring a professional also saves you time and money. The entire concrete leveling process can be completed within a few hours (1-3 days for larger jobs). There’s no demolition, no waiting weeks to use the concrete again, and no damage to landscaping or your yard due to heavy machinery.

Another alternative to mudjacking is poly foam raising, which combines elements of both mudjacking and concrete leveling. It involves blending crushed stones, primarily limestone, with water and injecting it under the concrete to assist with its lift. Unlike mudjacking, which requires large holes to inject the slurry mixture, poly foam raising uses smaller 1-inch holes for a more controlled and efficient procedure. It also offers a longer lifespan than mudjacking, though this comes with a higher cost.

This traditional method involves pumping mud under the slab to lift and stabilize it. This approach is cost-effective and relatively quick, but it may not be suitable for all situations. In addition, mudjacking can leave behind a bumpy surface that may require additional repairs in the future.

Polyurethane Foam Injection

Concrete is strong and durable, but it can be subject to wear and tear if it’s built on soil that is improperly compacted or has eroded over time. If left untreated, sinking and uneven concrete slabs can lead to serious safety and structural damage, so it’s essential to hire a professional repair specialist to assess the situation and recommend the most appropriate course of action.

Once your concrete repair contractor has completed a full assessment, they’ll begin the process of lifting sunken concrete with one of several different methods. The most common techniques include polyurethane foam injection, stone slurry grout leveling, mudjacking, and self-leveling concrete. Each has its unique benefits, but they all work to elevate and straighten concrete surfaces for improved stability and appearance.

Mudjacking and polyurethane foam injection are both similar in that they counteract the effects of gravity, which cause concrete to shift and settle over time. Both techniques work by injecting foam or slurry directly into the voids beneath the concrete, essentially restoring the support of the ground and redistributing weight evenly across the slab.

Unlike traditional repair methods like mudjacking, which require significant drilling and are not mess-free, the polyurethane foam injection process is efficient and minimally invasive. This is because the foam is injected through small holes that are strategically placed, minimizing the impact on the surface of the concrete and surrounding landscape.

The high-density foam is injected underneath the sunken area and quickly expands, lifting the concrete and filling in any voids beneath it. Technicians carefully monitor the lifting process and, if necessary, can make adjustments in real time to ensure that the concrete is lifted to an even, stable height.

The polyurethane foam injection process is a versatile, effective, and long-lasting solution for uneven or sinking concrete surfaces. It is ideally suited for residential and commercial properties, including parking lots and driveways. It’s also an ideal option for sensitive or delicate areas that need to be kept in pristine condition, such as hospitals, warehouses, and other healthcare facilities. The synthetic material is also less likely to break down or erode over time, making it a more sustainable and long-lasting alternative to other concrete repair methods.

This innovative method uses lightweight, polyurethane foam injected into small holes in your slab to fill voids and compress soil beneath. The result is a strong, lasting solution that’s highly efficient and cost-effective.


Concrete is a common building material that’s widely used for sidewalks, driveways, patios, and even pool decks. However, it’s not invincible and can succumb to wear and tear over time, requiring proper repair techniques.

One of the most important steps in concrete repair is leveling, which lifts and aligns sunken or uneven surfaces to their initial placement for safety and improved functionality. Several issues can cause slabs to become unlevel, including structural damage or simply heavy foot traffic and weathering. In either case, addressing these problems as soon as you notice them will help avert further damage and protect your property’s value.

If left unattended, uneven surfaces can pose several serious health and safety concerns. Tripping hazards are a significant issue, especially for elderly or physically challenged individuals. Uneven concrete can also lead to water accumulation and potentially compromise the foundation of your property.

This process involves pouring a layer of concrete over the existing slab to level it. This can be a good option for homeowners who want to add decorative concrete finishes to their homes, but it’s important to note that this method can only work on concrete that’s in good condition and not suffering from significant structural damage. Contact a concrete leveling specialist for a free inspection and estimate before you proceed.
